Contact Us

Board of Directors – [email protected]
Email us if…
- You can’t get a response from one of the other staffers
You’d like to help out with the convention as a staff member (responsibilities and duties outside of the convention as well as inside)
Ghimno – [email protected]
Email me if…
- You’d like to correct a problem with registration information you submitted
- You’d like to get a refund on your registration (we only offer these BEFORE the convention begins)
- You’d like to register for the convention but are having trouble filling out a form
- You’d like to upgrade a registration that’s already been made
Mori – [email protected]
Oxley – [email protected]
Email me if…
- You’d like to help out at convention
- You want to confirm your gophering discount from last year
Dealers Den
Notch – [email protected]
Email me if…
- There’s a problem with the website
- You have constructive feedback about the website
- You’d like to see a feature added to the website
Con Ops
Syberfox – [email protected]
Email me if…
- You have lost an item at the convention
- You have a question that doesn’t fit any of the above categories