Code of Conduct

Revised 1/16/24

AnthrOhio welcomes those with an interest in anthropomorphic animal characters. AnthrOhio strives to provide a fun and safe environment for its attending members. To that end, AnthrOhio requires all attendees to follow a code of conduct. By encouraging all who take part in the event to behave in a way that is acceptable and inoffensive to the majority of the attendees, we can help to ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable time at AnthrOhio.

Upon accepting membership to AnthrOhio or attending any AnthrOhio event, the member agrees to hold harmless AnthrOhio and its staff from any legal action resulting from personal injury or property damage or loss due to the actions of any individual within the event or otherwise, including members of the AnthrOhio staff.

AnthrOhio holds the right to alter this code of conduct at any time with or without notice.

In the event that a situation occurs during the course of the convention that is not covered by this code of conduct, but is covered by the venue rules and regulations and/or local, state, or federal laws, that situation will be turned over to proper authorities and handled according to those guidelines.


Membership to AnthrOhio events may be purchased several ways including online or at the registration desk during registration business hours. Persons requesting membership must present a State or National government issued identification to receive their membership identification or badge for the event. In addition. they must sign a formal agreement to adhere to the Code of Conduct standards. Every member will receive a membership badge. This membership badge must be openly visible at all times while the member is within the convention area. Any member without a membership badge on display will be denied entry to convention events. They may also be asked to leave the convention space until they can return with a valid membership badge.

A regular member is defined as any individual 18 years of age or older at the start of the AnthrOhio event. Minor members are defined as any individual 17 years of age or under. The membership for minors has three subdivisions: minors aged 12 and below, minors aged 13, 14 and 15, and minors aged 16 and 17. Minors 12 and below must be chaperoned at all times by a parent or legal guardian who is also a member of AnthrOhio, but will not be charged any membership dues. Minors 13, 14 and 15 years old may be chaperoned at all times with a free membership as those 12 and younger, or may attend Escorted, with a parent or legal guardian on the premises but not necessarily chaperoned. Minors aged 16 or 17 may attend AnthrOhio events under the condition they present a signed and notarized statement from a parent or guardian giving them permission to attend but otherwise would have the same membership benefits as an adult.

AnthrOhio tries to maintain an atmosphere enjoyable for adults and children alike. However, while family attendees are welcomed, the AnthrOhio staff, venue staff, and other members of the convention should not be expected to provide minor supervision.

Denial or Revocation of Membership

AnthrOhio reserves the right to deny or revoke the membership of any individual at any time for any reason. The removal of an attendee’s membership status and privileges will most likely be enacted if that attendee’s actions or behavior is found to be disruptive to the safety or enjoyment of other attendees, inhibits or interferes with convention operations or with the staff and operation of any supporting venues.

Anyone discovered to have forged a membership badge or to be using another member’s badge under false pretenses will be asked to leave the event and could possibly be referred to local police under a complaint of trespassing. In addition, any member discovered allowing others to “borrow” their membership badge will have their membership immediately revoked and will be asked to leave the event. Any member falsely representing themselves as a staff member of AnthrOhio for any reason may have membership privileges revoked and asked to leave the event.

Convention Space vs. Public Space

Convention space is defined as those areas of the venue contracted for use by AnthrOhio staff and attendees. Public spaces are those areas of the venue shared between AnthrOhio attendees and the general public such as other guests of the hotel. The standards of conduct for AnthrOhio attendees shall apply to attendee conduct in both convention and public spaces. Anyone not registered as an attendee of the convention may be asked to leave any area designated as convention space.

Convention Rating Designation

All public spaces and convention spaces shall have a “PG-13” rating. Any convention event containing materials of an adult nature will be noted in the convention book listings and entrance to the event will be monitored. No minors will be permitted entry to convention events given “Adult” classifications.

According to venue rules and state regulations, attendees must wear appropriate attire at all times. Typical attire includes a shirt or blouse; shoes or other footwear; and pants, shorts, or skirts unless the attendee is utilizing the pool/spa area.

Any attendee wearing clothing deemed inappropriate or disruptive to the atmosphere of the convention, including but not limited to overly revealing or of blatant sexual or fetish purposes will be asked to re-attire themselves. Failure to comply with this request may result in the loss of convention privileges. “Fursuits” are considered acceptable attire provided their design and construction falls within the “PG-13” rating of the convention.

Public displays of affection must be limited to friendly contact. Overtly sexual public behavior will not be allowed.

Personal Conduct

All AnthrOhio attendees are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and orderly fashion. Attendees fighting, roughhousing, vandalizing the venue, yelling, creating excessive noise or excessive vulgarities will be considered disorderly conduct.

No objects may be thrown while in the convention area. Likewise, toys which shoot projectiles will not be allowed, with the singular exception of the “Foam Flinging Frenzy” event.

Sleeping in the convention areas is not permitted.

Revocation of membership may be incurred for any individual(s) who, by their actions, become disruptive to the atmosphere of the convention or its attendees.

Use of drones, hoverboards, or any other non-medically required wheeled equipment within any venue space is prohibited. Use of drones in any parking areas servicing any venue in use by AnthrOhio is also prohibited if there is any payload or non-permanently attached equipment on the drone.


AnthrOhio takes harassment very seriously. Harassment may come from any source, both within and outside the convention. Threats, stalking, deliberate intimidation, demeaning insults or unwelcome physical contact, all constitute forms of harassment. Remember: No means no and stop means stop. If you are told to stop in response to any contact with another individual, you are to immediately end your contact with that person.

If you feel you are being harassed, please tell AnthrOhio Safety Team. If a Safety Team Member is not available, please report the harassment to any member of the AnthrOhio staff. Every report of harassment will be investigated and dealt with on an individual basis. Actions taken in response to these reports may or may not be reported to the reporting attendees.


Weapons are not allowed at AnthrOhio. This includes firearms, bladed weapons of any kind, flailing weapons, explosive devices or any object designed to inflict harm. Any individual discovered carrying a weapon in convention space will be ejected from the convention and referred to local authorities. This is the policy of AnthrOhio and supersedes any legally issued weapons carry permit.

Weapon replicas may only be carried if they are part of a performance at the convention and have been presented to and approved by AnthrOhio Safety Team.


Crowne Plaza North Columbus is a non-smoking venue, thus smoking and vaping are prohibited anywhere inside the hotel. In addition smoking indoors at public businesses is illegal. If you are a smoker, please be respectful of our nonsmoking guests. We ask that you maintain a distance of at least 25 feet from any venue entrance while smoking outside.

Illegal Substances

The sale, purchase or use of any controlled substance is absolutely forbidden at AnthrOhio. Any individual discovered selling, buying or using illegal drugs in any part of the venue or surrounding area will immediately have their membership revoked and will be reported to drug enforcement authorities without exception.


Public consumption of alcohol in AnthrOhio convention space is forbidden. Likewise, the venue only permits public consumption of alcohol within their designated areas, as per their state-issued liquor license. Private consumption of alcohol within guest rooms is permitted provided the alcohol containers remain sealed until within the room. AnthrOhio asks that its attendees drink responsibly and in moderation. Individuals being disruptive or belligerent due to inebriation may be escorted to their venue room or asked to leave the venue if appropriate. Individuals failing to comply with requests or those having repetitive events involving intoxication may have their membership revoked.

The legal drinking age in the state of Ohio is 21 years. It is a felony in this state to supply anyone under this age with alcohol. If an individual has been found supplying minors with alcohol, their membership will be revoked immediately and they will be reported to the local police. Likewise, any minor found drinking or can be reasonably suspected of being intoxicated will lose their membership and be turned over to proper authorities.

Personal Belongings

We recommend personal items not be left in convention space unattended. AnthrOhio and its staff are not responsible for any items lost or stolen. Items found by our staff are turned in to Convention Operations. If an item is believed lost it may be retrieved there, or for up to two months following the event. Items lost but not claimed two months after the event will be disposed of in an appropriate manner. AnthrOhio will do its best to facilitate the return of any items returned to the lost and found after the convention at the attendee’s expense.


Other than legal service animals, no pets will be allowed in the convention area. The policy of the Hotel is that pets are forbidden on hotel property. Punitive fines will be added by the hotel to the room on a daily basis if pets are discovered. For the safety of our attendees as well as your pet’s safety any pets brought to venues beyond the Hotel stay on leash and that pet owners follow the venue’s policy on pets.

Media and Use of Video

Attendees of AnthrOhio get together each year purely to have fun. The organizers understand that large gatherings of furries may seem an unusual sight to many and thus are often targets of the attention of the media. Some reports in the past have been less than accurate or appropriate and have caused many of our attendees to shy away from the media spotlight. The presence of media, thus, detracts from the ability of our attendees to relax and enjoy the convention. We ask that any members of the media who wish to cover our event first contact us and obtain a press kit and that they not arrive unannounced or unescorted. A person attending AnthrOhio may not function in a media capacity without the express written consent of AnthrOhio, Inc.